Monday, January 4, 2010

Wednesday (12/30/09)

Beside a normal work day for me, we found out that today was Lydia's last day of babysitting. The hours got changed for the mother, and she didn't need a babysitter. We can't blame her, we'd do the same. So now Lydia has a little more free time in the afternoons for homework when college starts again.

During supper, we watched Home Alone. It's a great lesson learner.... besides all of the things not to do with micro-machines, paint-cans, iron, blow-torch, and a tarantula. At the beginning it shows how a kid shouldn't act toward his parents, and how parents shouldn't act toward their kid(s).

During the movie I worked on Ronnie Warren's website a bit. Which I'm hoping to have completely updated here soon. It's a work in progress.

After the kids went to bed, I played a little Team Fortress 2. I'm not to good of a gamer right now, I need practice. But I don't see that happening soon! There's quite a bit of other things I have to do!


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