Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Roy Tremble (Sunday, 01/24/10)

Wow! What a surprise I got when I arrived at church for vans! I picked up the church bulletin and read that Roy Tremble was going to be singing in the morning services! I was super-excited. I immediately called Lydia and asked her to bring the digital camera and video camera.

Several months ago, Pastor had a cd on his desk and asked if I had ever heard of Roy, saying that he had been suggested by another Pastor. Had I heard of Roy...? Oh yes! Since he sang with the Cathedrals for almost a decade, I had several albums with him singing tenor! What a voice!

So you can see why I was excited?

I had the joy and privilege to talk to him for a quite a while before Sunday School. He told me of how he wished the "A Cathedrals - Reunion" VHS was still available. He said he'd have to buy a ton, and they would sell faster than anything.

During the morning services he sang several songs, and you could tell that others were enjoying it! And his voice? He's still got it! He didn't go in any super high range, but kept it high and smooth. His voice really conveyed the messages in the songs. It was wonderful! Of course, I got it on video, so I'll have to upload a few to youtube when I get a chance.


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