Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Fun: Finish The Sentence... (11/19/2010)

1. I am looking forward to... this coming holiday weekend, time for relaxing and fun!

2. Maybe I should... write a book someday! :)

3. I love... my wife and kids, and often wish we had more time to spend together!

4. People say that I am... often funny and good-natured, which can often be misinterpreted as annoying!

5. I don't understand... why some people put sensitive information on facebook, then get mad, accusing facebook of 'sharing' it with everybody!

6. When I wake up in the morning... I look at the clock to see how much longer I can sleep, if I haven't already slept too much!

7. Life is full of... little annoyances, but I manage to survive!

8. My past is... what my future is built upon; both good and bad!

9. Parties are... fun to go to if one can find a babysitter!

10. I wish... that life wasn't so hectic; but realize that if it wasn't, it'd be dull!

11. Tomorrow... is another day full of surprises and adventure.

12. I have low tolerance... for long lines at the grocery store! lol!

13. I'm totally terrified of... the thought of loosing a family member.

14. I'm sick of... political correctness in our world today.

15. I enjoy... watching a movie with the family, it's when we get to relax and not worry about our hectic schedule!

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