Tuesday, November 9, 2010

OtterBox Case For The iPhone (Tuesday, 11/09/10)

A couple of weeks ago, Lydia and I went to Sam's Club to get groceries and new cases for our iPhones. We had bought cases for them back in February when we first got the phones, but our constant use had caused them to break. Mine was first. The snap that held the case together, broke. Lydia finally did as well.

We had heard that the cases were cheaper at Sam's Club, and since I had a membership there, we decided that it's the place to get them. We were expecting to get the same cases that we had, but came across some called OtterBox Defender Series case.

It's nice. It's has three layers of protection. One is the screen cover, protecting against scratches. Two is the plastic shell covering that is lightweight and tough. Third is the rubber casing that keeps it soft and safe. It's the toughest case I've seen!

There was one drawback. There were bubbles on the screen! It was very annoying. So to the internet I went! Sure enough, some customers mentioning rubbing fine powder on the inside of the screen cover with your finger. They suggested baby powder. Well, I don't have baby powder! However, I eat peanuts at my desk at work, and it has a fine powder. I got some on my finger, rubbed some off on a napkin, and then rubbed the rest on the screen. I then gently wiped the screen off to get clear it from access powder. Sure enough... it worked! Hooray!


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