Monday, November 8, 2010

Week Rundown! (10/31/10 - 11/6/10)


I was off to men's prayer breakfast at church, and then the van route. The kids woke up before Lydia and ended up eating candy for breakfast! What a way to start the day, eh?

Morning services were good and we we enjoyed a nice afternoon at home. However, we had to stop by the store on the way to church, so I ended up making it to choir practice a little late.

We had the privilege of hearing a missionary preach during the evening service. Afterwards our church participated in a Trunk-or-Treat in the parking-lot. For those who have never heard of this type of activity, its where everyone opens up their vehicles trunk and the kids go from vehicle to vehicle for candy. Some dress up, and it its fun! A nice safe alternative from going house to house with people you don't know.

When we got home, we put the kids to bed, and Lydia worked on homework.


Lydia woke up with a terrible migraine, so she stayed home from classes. I took the kids to daycare/school and went to work. Lydia ended up going to work in the afternoon, but still felt pretty miserable. Abigail picked up Mysia from school, and Lydia and Malachi met them at home when Lydia got off work. I had to stop by the store, yet again, for some food items for supper.

Lydia made supper while I quickly mowed the lawn. It has been getting dark so early I was afraid I wouldn't get it done... and the lawn really needed it! Afterwards, I came in and Malachi and I got our showers before supper. Malachi wasn't to keen on finishing his supper, so Mysia got her shower done before he was finally finished eating. Oh the fun of being a parent!

After the kids got to bed, I worked on a few things on the computer and Lydia worked on her homework. It's like that homework never ends!


Today was voting! Lydia took Malachi and dropped him off at daycare before heading to the polls. Mysia and I left the house and headed straight to the polls. I voted while Mysia waited. Lydia then arrived. I then dropped Mysia off at school before heading to work.

Lydia got to meet with Mysia's school teacher when she picked her up. It was to review how Mysia was doing, and her achievements at school. Mysia is doing very well and got a good report card! Lydia then took Mysia to a class meeting she had.

I got off work, picked up Malachi, and we headed to McDonald's. We met up with my parents, grandma, and Abigail. Lydia and Mysia arrived shortly afterwards. We were celebrating Abagail's 17th birthday today! The kids played in the play-area while we visited. Lydia had to leave a bit earlier to go give plasma.

When the kids and I got home I got them ready for bed. Lydia came home and worked on homework.


Today went well. Lydia had some major homework to do, so she stayed home from church to try and get it done. I took the kids with me to church, of course! It was "fun night" for our children's services. We had a great devotion, and then the kids got to work on drawing their design for the pinewood derby cars. We're having a race in a couple of weeks, so we're starting to work on them! I drew some designs for Malachi and Mysia.

Back at home, the kids went to bed. Lydia still had a ton of homework to do. I stayed up and watched some tv! Boy, don't I have it hard! ;)


After school and work, Lydia and Mysia came home. Mysia rested while Lydia did homework. When I got off work, I picked up Malachi from daycare and we went back to Walmart to get food for tonight and tomorrow. While there, we stopped by the photo department to pick up some pictures. Malachi, seeing the restrooms nearby, declared that he had to go. So I took him. After shopping, we went by again and he once more, said he really had to go. I knew he was just staying that, so I told him we'd go when we got home. Sure enough, when we got home, and I was bringing in the groceries, I told him to go. He then informed me that he didn't have to go. I then made him, and then we had a talk about telling the truth, etc. I don't know if it the talk did any good, bu I had his attention.

We ate supper and then Malachi and I dropped Mysia off at my folks' for the night. Public schools are gonna be closed tomorrow, so my mom agreed to watch her.

When we arrived back home, Malachi went to bed and I stayed up while Lydia did her homework.


Mysia spent the day with Granny, and had a good time.

I got home after work and started getting supper ready. Lydia and Mysia arrived not to long after, and Lydia started working on her part of the supper. My parent's dropped Mysia off an hour later. The Banks came over for our discipleship, and we had Chips, bean dip, and guacamole! Yum yum!


Having the busy schedule that is our life, we find that it is harder to keep up with the chores around the house. So, getting them done is a chore itself! So that's what we did this morning! Ugh! Of course, we also let the kids play and watch a few cartoons as well. Lydia and I also did some facebook browsing and talking with family and friends. The kids took a good nap, and we got quite a bit done around the house!

Lydia had planned to host a Jewelry Party for her female friends and family this afternoon. By her report, it was nice, and she enjoyed it. During the 'party', I took the kids over to my grandma's house for a visit. She fed us spaghetti, and we visited while the kids played and got into her things! My mom and sister came over to visit as well. Malachi and Mysia were very hyper and wound up, I guess they had good naps!

Lydia messaged me that the party was over, so I packed up the kids and dropped them off with Lydia. I then headed out to the house of one of the men from church. He had the equipment to cut out the pinewood derby cars, and I needed to get M&M's cars cut! While I was out doing that, the kids got to vacuum their rooms. I know that may sound weird, but they love it. And we're not going to complain!

I arrived back at home and we snacked and watched a VeggieTales DVD before putting the kids to bed. Lydia worked on homework, and I worked on a few things on my computer. Oh... we also set the clocks back! Hooray!


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