Monday, November 15, 2010

Week Rundown! (11/07/10 - 11/13/10)


We got that extra hour. I slept through it! Yay!

However, as I was leaving for church, the kids woke up. They even tried to get in to the candy. I caught them, much to their dismay, and got them plugged into a children's sing-a-long before I left.

Church services were good, and we also had a pretty good afternoon. The kids didn't want to nap, and I'm guessing this was due to the time change. I ended up making them lay down with blankets on the livingroom floor so I could keep an eye on them. Sure enough, Malachi finally fell asleep. Mysia, on the other hand, didn't.

After evening services, we returned home, put the kids to bed, and watched some tv for a bit. Lydia worked on some homework, and I messed around with a few things on the computer.


Lydia got up early to work on homework. These classes that she's taking has loaded her up with a lot! And the end of the semester is nearing! Hooray!

Abigail picked up Mysia from school and I met her at home after I got off work. Mysia had crashed on the couch, and was not willing to wake up for an hour or more. Lydia and Malachi came home not to long after.

I started onto supper. It was simple. Potato soup with bacon and cheese! Yum yum! There was no quartet practice tonight... so I did some things around the house, plus get the kids ready for bed when it was time. Malachi was wired most of the evening though.

In fact, as I was putting Malachi to bed, he looked up to me and said, "Daddy, I'm not tired." I replied, "Oh, yes you are". He gave me a questionable look, then said, "But I haven't done this yet.." and proceed by opening his mouth and imitating a yawn. I couldn't repress a hearty laugh. I then finished hugging him and reassured him that it was bedtime!

Mysia and I worked on her homework before putting her down for bed. Like usual, Lydia worked on her homework. Math.... ugh!


The morning was a lot like yesterday's. And we all got off to our respectable places on time... Whew!

Lydia and Mysia came home after school. Mysia was so tired that she went to bed and napped. When I got off work, I picked up Malachi and we headed home. Lydia was making fried chicken and mac & cheese. The first thing Malachi after coming through the door was head straight to the counter to see what food Lydia was working on. That little stinker decided it would be fun to play in the flour mix that was sitting there! Oooooh... that boy!

Mysia woke up, and we ate supper while watching some Bernstein Bears on DVD. Lydia then headed of to BioLive to give plasma. I had the kids take their showers and we worked on homework. After I got Malachi to bed, Mysia and I cleaned up the fish-tank. It needed it. In fact, I should have cleaned it a couple months ago, it was that bad!

We used toothbrushes to clean the tank and all the things that went into it. She enjoyed cleaning the items in the sink. However, it was a bit gross. We had to drain the sink several times because we couldn't see the through the water. She was a big help though!


When dropping Malachi off at daycare today, we stepped out of the car and spotted a dead mouse on the sidewalk. Malachi was intrigued! He immediately wanted to go step on it! I had to quickly assure him that it was already dead enough, and not to go too near it. Both kids (Mysia was still in the car) were fascinated. When I got back in the car to take Mysia to school, I asked her if she wanted me to allow her to bring it into school. She turned my idea down as quickly as possible. Oh... and what a dirty look I got too!

This evening was church services. Lydia had a lot of homework to catch up on as well.


Before heading off for school/daycare/work, Mysia lost one of her front teeth. She was excited about it of course, but even though her other one is loose, she doesn't want our help loosing that one soon. I'm guessing that before Christmas, perhaps even Thanksgiving, it too will be gone. I keep teasing her that she'll be singing, "All I want for Christmas is my too front teeth...." She doesn't like that idea.

After getting off of school and picking Mysia from hers, Lydia went to the hospital to visit her cousin Rachel. Rachel has had a serious infection in her leg, and they're trying to get her to St. Louis to see if it can be taken care of. After work, I picked up Malachi from daycare and met up with them at the hospital.

After our visit to the hospital, we decided to head over to Godfather's Pizza in Nixa. It had been a while since we've ate there, and we hadn't ever taken the kids! While there, one of the girls from Mysia's former Daisy Scouts showed up. Boy, that thrilled both of them! We let the kids play a few games in the game room before heading home.

It was then time for homework and bed!


Well, today was pretty interesting. During my lunch-break, I went and got tickets for the Gold City concert to be held tonight. My mom and Abigail picked up Malachi from daycare and Mysia from school. They took them to a bonfire/cookout, while Lydia and I went to the concert after work.

Gold City is one of my favorite groups, so I really enjoyed the concert. The attendance was low, but it gave me a good chance to visit with the guys. The biggest highlight for me was getting to talk to Tim Riley, who is my hero when it comes to singing!!! :)

After the concert, we picked up the kids from my parents' house and headed home.


Like always, there wasn't much time for rest today! We woke up, ate a quick breakfast and headed to the movie theater. CPO bookstore held free showings of VeggieTales "It's A Meaningful Life". It was really good. It was spoof of "It's A Wonderful Life", The Polar Express, and Dicken's "Christmas Carol." It had a great message, and was a very enjoyable story.

Our next stop was Walmart. We had a few things we needed to get. So we browsed the store for a good while before heading home for lunch and naps. While the kids napped, a worked on a few things and Lydia ran a few errands. When she got back, I headed out to a friend's house to get my brakes and rotors replaced on my car. In turn, I helped him with his computer! Thanks Ben Winter!

While I was gone, Lydia worked on homework (big surprise), and the kids woke up and played. I think Lydia was happy to see me when I got back home! ;) We then ate supper, got the kids their showers, drank some hot chocolate, and put them to bed.

What a week!


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