Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week Rundown! (10/24/10 - 10/30/10)


The morning was pretty typical. However, the afternoon was interesting. I rushed home after doing the van, grabbed a bite to eat, and we all left for Sequiota Park on the south-side of town. We were meeting with Lydia's Honors Class to carve pumpkins. It was a social activity for her class.

I asked Malachi and Mysia what they wanted carved on their pumpkins. Mysia wanted Tinkerbell. I used my phone and viewed several images, her and I decided on one pretty quickly. For Malachi, it was a bit more difficult. He wasn't sure who or what he wanted. At first, it was Spiderman. I looked online. No... too difficult! I didn't have that much time! He then wanted both Woody and Buzz Lightyear. I finally convinced him on picking just Buzz! Whew....

Lydia cut the tops off the pumpkins, and we cleaned them out. Mysia remarked that the insides felt gooey, she was so right! Malachi enjoyed flinging the pumpkin guts everywhere! Ugh...! I drew the characters on the pumpkins with a pen and then began the process of cutting them out. It wasn't the easiest thing to do and it definitely took time! However, I was well pleased with the results. When both were completed, and my hands wore out from cutting, we let the kids play for a bit on the park equipment before heading to church.

By the time we made it to church, the kids were asleep in their seats. So while I went to choir practice, Lydia stayed in the van and they all napped until it was time to come in for church services. Tonight was our church's Sunday Sing, and there was quite a bit of talent that sang! Halfway during the services, Mysia went with the other kids to start practicing on their Christmas program. It's coming up so quickly!

On our way home from church, we grabbed ice cream and root-beer, and had our friends Mary and Doug over for floats! We had a good time of fellowship. We put the kids to bed after they drank their floats, boy... were they tired! We enjoyed a good visit.


I had sprained my ankle last week, so I hadn't been going to the gym in the morning. I mean, how can I work out when I can't walk? So this morning, Lydia went instead. She also didn't come back home afterwards, but went straight to the college. I woke up, got the kids ready, dropped them off at daycare and school, and then headed into work.

After work, we all met at home. I put in "Ernest Goes To Camp" while making supper. Malachi wasn't too sure of the movie at first, but liked it as it progressed. Mysia missed most of the movie, she had crashed on the couch. It seems that Mondays are very hard on her since she doesn't get naps!

We ate supper, watched some "Dancing With The Stars", got Malachi ready for bed, and worked on Mysia's homework. She was still tired, but we made it through and got her to bed as well. Lydia worked on homework and I did a few chores before going to bed ourselves.


Well, I decided (with some urging from Lydia) to go to the gym. To stay off my ankle, it was decided that I do a laps at the pool. I love swimming, so I didn't think it was such a bad idea. Well, when I got into the pool, it was cold! To get over my body shivering, I really started to swim. At first, there was no problem. But I guess I over exerted myself a bit, and got a little short-breathed! Going early and pushing myself without proper pacing wasn't a very good idea!

Back at home, I helped get the kids ready, and we all did our daily routine. On the way home from work, I stopped by the store and Redbox. I picked up a movie for the kids, basically so Lydia and I could get supper going. We had ravioli, garlic breadsticks, Brussels sprouts for dinner. I fought with Malachi on eating the Brussels sprouts. They taste good, but he just doesn't care for the texture. If I make small bites, and distract him while he's chewing, all turns out well!

We worked on Mysia's homework, got Malachi ready for bed, and then Mysia. Lydia worked on homework while I messed around with some bills. Oh fun!


Nothing to much to report on for today. School, work, daycare, and church! :)


When getting home for the evening, we ate supper and worked on some homework (Mysia and Lydia). After that, we headed to the DAV to look around. Mysia & Malachi already had costumes for the party to be held at my parents' house this weekend, so it for Lydia and I to find something for us. Unfortunately, nothing really good could be found, except a nice trench-coat for me for $20.

It was then off to Walmart! Sure enough, I found me a shirt and Lydia found her an outfit, plus a few extra things like body glitter. Saturday night was going to be good!


Ahhh.... Finally here! I couldn't wait for the work-day to end!

We came home and enjoyed the evening. We were supposed to have discipleship, but our Associate Pastor was sick with a serious sinus infection. So we ate supper, played with the kids, got them to bed, and we watched some tv before turning in as well. We had a busy day planned for tomorrow!


Today was probably the busiest day of the week!

I woke up early, and left before anyone woke up! I picked up the church van, and then did the route for the Skate Party! I made it in time to Skateland with a van-load of kids ready to skate! Lydia showed up shortly afterwards, but still in time!

We skated, and skated, and skated! Sam brought the devotion, and talked about the fear of the Lord. Mysia and Malachi had fun, and did pretty well. Malachi got was pretty much done skating at the end, but still didn't want to leave. Mysia was fairly wore out. They rode the church van with me as I dropped the church kids off at their homes.

Lydia and Mary went shopping. She wanted to get some extra stuff for the costumes. When I got home, the kids and I ate a quick lunch and then I put them down for nap. Well, technically, I put Malachi down for a nap, but he wouldn't sleep. So I got tried to rest next to him, but he still wouldn't sleep! I was getting frustrated. So I went to check on Mysia... I found her on the couch, curled up in a ball, asleep. I then went and grabbed Malachi, and we too took naps on the couch!

However, I wasn't more than 10 minutes into my nap when Lydia and Mary came back from shopping. They were excited. They had picked up some cool stuff for the party. So we started getting ready. Glitter was everywhere. When the kids woke up, we got them ready to. Malachi was easy. Mysia had to have glitter, make-up, etc....

On the way to my parents' house, I stopped by the store to pick up some snacks. I ran in. It was fun getting looks from everyone! I'm sure they didn't know if I was dressed up for serious or for fun! I enjoyed it!

The party was great! Everyone dressed up. We took pictures, came up with a story, and played games. Oh, we ate too! It was fun seeing what everyone had came as. Everyone was very creative in their ideas! Lydia and I dressed up as if we were on the TV show "Dancing With The Stars", Mysia dressed up as Tinkerbell, and Malachi as Buzz Lightyear!

I posted pictures on facebook, and if you can't view them, email me and I'll send you a link!!!


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