Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Last week (quick rundown!)

So much has been going on, that this post is a run-down of what happened last week!!!

Quartet Practice (Tuesday, 12/15/09)

Quartet practice was here again. We spent most of the time practicing "About The Cross". I'm still hoping we get it down for Christmas eve!


Enjoying Service (Wednesday, 12/16/09)

Last week was the end of Master Clubs for the year, so we got to sit in services! Being away from evening services makes you enjoy them so much more when you get the chance to attend once again!

As we headed home, I decided that we should go look at Christmas lights since we had a little time. I knew where the favorites were, and made sure to drive by. Some has added more! M&M really enjoyed it, and that makes it worth it all!


B-Ball Game (Thursday, 12/17/09)

Lydia has been working on her finals. She is excited to get them done, and be finished with this semester. Today was her last two finals! Hooray!

After work, we rushed home, made PB&J sandwiches real quick, and rushed off to Moses' last basketball game of the season. With Lydia having a lot of homework, and our tight schedules, we hadn't the chance to go this year. We got there and got to see SILAS!!! He had made it back to town after graduating boot camp. Of course, wedding talk was in the air! Moses' team won!

We decided to look at some more Christmas lights. The ones we found were awesome!


A Poor Sick Boy (Friday, 12/0-/09)

Malachi woke up in the middle of the night, and was warm and fussy. Instantly, I knew that today was going to be very interesting. Sure enough, he had a fever, so Lydia stayed home from her work to take care of him. I dropped Mysia off to daycare and headed into work. Lydia decided to call the doctor's office, and they wanted him to come in to make sure it wasn't pneumonia. So I ended up taking an early lunch to get Lydia the car.

Come to find out, Malachi had a sinus infection. It wasn't too bad as we thought, but it was enough to keep us home, and we missed the church's Christmas banquet. However, we were able to get a few things done at home, so it wasn't too bad.


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