Friday, June 19, 2009

AFV: Oh what fun!

I've mentioned before that Mysia can get glued to the television. I can put on a movie, and she'll just sit there and watch it. Malachi, on the other hand, will sit for 10-15 minutes at the most before getting up and finding something to get into.

Well, there is one thing that will keep my son's attention. One kind of show that just keeps him glued…. America's Funniest Videos!

Yup! He'll sit there and watch with no problem, except the commercials. We have a few VHS tapes of recorded episodes from years past that I'll pop on to watch, and he loves it. I recently started plugging my laptop to the tv so that we can watch some clips from youtube! There is a vast supply on there!

Over the weekend, I got an email from the library that my hold for the first season of AFV was ready to be picked up. So over the past few evenings, we've been watching several episodes! And I love it. Of course, the kids do as well.

It's the only "reality" tv show that I can really enjoy! I love the humor, and the fact that stupidity can be caught on tape! What a joy! Lol!

Now, if only I can get Malachi interested in car/police chases!!!!!! Hmmmmm…


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