Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A day off, and camping! (Friday, 05/12/2009)

Friday was a very busy day for one I had taken off as vacation!

Lydia left early in the morning to go give plasma and then hit Wal-Mart for grocery shopping. I was planning on sleeping in. I don't know what I was thinking… Since we've been on this new schedule, it has affected the kids. They woke up at 6!

Since they were up, I got them dressed and we went into the living room. They wanted to watch tv. Not this morning. They could play with their toys. I plugged my iPod into the sound system, and we listened to some good Southern Gospel. Malachi and I played cars for a bit.

Since Father's Day was coming up, I told Lydia I knew what I wanted. It was cheap, and it would be fun. She didn't care much for the idea. But I wanted it badly, and I wanted it before the campout. What was it? A washboard.

Now you may be wondering why in the world I would want a washboard. Well, it's not for washing clothes! We have a good washing machine for that! Ever since I was little, the guys at Silver Dollar City who played the washboard as an instrument fascinated me. I seen one last time at SDC, and I noticed the price… Thirty dollars! Ouch! I knew I could make one cheaper!

So with some internet research, I found I could a plain washboard for $15 or more. Sounded like a good deal to me. Plus, I knew that thimbles would be fairly inexpensive as well.

I spent 30 minutes or more calling around! Malachi and Mysia were climbing all over me. (I guess I need to learn not to sit on the floor when doing something like that) I called all the Ace Hardware Stores, Lowe's, Hobby Lobby, and Race Brothers… none of them had any in stock. Several said they could order it, but it wouldn't be in for another week or more! I wanted it for that evening! Finally, I had one place left. The hardware store a couple blocks away from our house. I didn't figure they'd have it, especially since they were a small store, but I was worth the try. Sure enough, they did! And it was only going to be $10!!!! They only had one, and they told me they'd hold it until noon!

When Lydia got home from her grocery shopping, I told her the news! I was excited. Her… not so much... You see, tapping gets on her nerves. And a washboard is the ultimate tapping noisemaker! Oh well!

Lydia started in on working on the flower garden at the front of our house since the weather was nice. Many of the roots were choking her rose bushes. I trimmed the regular bushes, while the kids played in the dirt and rocks. Soon afterwards, I took Malachi with me to go buy the washboard. When I got back, I added some of my own personal modifications to the washboard and packed for the campout. Lydia's sister, Adria, came over, and around 2:30, Lydia dropped me off at my parents' house.

My dad and I rode with Sam up to the campout when they got off work. When we arrived, we set up our tents, and ate supper. Lydia had bought some butterfly pork chops for me to cook. Boy… were they good!

We visited and helped others set up their tents. After the devotion that evening, Sam pulled out his banjo and mandolin. He played the banjo, Moses played the mandolin, and I the washboard. I don't know how well we did… but we had fun.

Then it was off to bed. I had my whole tent to myself!


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