Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dinner, Meeting, and a Movie (Friday, June 26)

When Lydia picked me up from work, she didn't have the kids. She had dropped them off at my parent's house!

It was that time of the month, our night together, dinner and State of The Family.

Dinner was first. We had several options. I told Lydia of the list of places I had come up with, and she chose Rib Crib. It was the perfect place to sit, be served, and be able to talk without interruption. And talk we did. We discovered that even in the little things that happen, we can learn how God works in our live. Those little things teach us so much, and become an example to show us how much more we can learn biblical truths. We was so deep into discussion, the topic didn't end when we left for the library.

At the library, we entered into our State Of The Family meeting. It is were we go into the all aspects of our responsibilities of family matters…. Finances, dinners, child rearing and discipline, devotions, etc. It takes a lot of focus, and can sometime wear us out. But, we have found that it helps us keep on top of things, gives us the insight on what we need to focus on as parents.

We wrapped up our time together around 8:30 and headed over to my parents' house to pick up the kids. They were in the backyard, squirting each other with water guns. Can you guess who they wanted to attack when we showed up? After they were dried off, my mom suggested I run and get a movie. She thought it we could put the kids to sleep on the floor, and watch it before heading home. So I took Abigail with me, and picked up "Bride Wars" from the RedBox at the nearby McDonald's.

I missed some of the movie. Malachi didn't want to lay down and sleep. He wanted to run around and get into whatever he could find. When he finally conked out… there was only 5 minutes of the movie remaining! Go figure.

By the time we got to bed, it was already after 1 o'clock!


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