Friday, June 26, 2009

Fly in my food…! (Thursday, 06/25/09)


For those who keep up with my facebook status updates, this story will be a little familiar.

For lunch, I had packed leftover pizza that Lydia had put away for me the night before. When I took it out of my lunchbag to put in the microwave, I noticed something moving on one of the slices within the zip-lock bag where they were kept. It was a huge fly!

It was trapped in the bag! I reached in and took it out. It was weak. Poor thing……… NOT!!!!

Who knows if it laid/deposited it's offspring on my pizza, or whatever. Well, there went my appetite! YUCK!

Needless to say, I was out of any lunch. All I had in my bag was a few carrots, a yogurt for later, and one stick of string cheese. I told my coworkers at the lunch table what had happened. Besides grossing them out, they felt sorry for me, and took up a collection. I was able to get me a BLT wrap from the cafeteria.

I feel bad that I took the money, but they told me if I didn't, they'd go in the cafeteria and buy something for me and make me eat whatever they bought. Wow… what a nice group of friends! Lol

BTW, is your shopping done? There is now less than six months 'til Christmas!


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