Monday, June 1, 2009

Weird Internet Find: Still Feelin’ Fine

Today I came across an interesting song file. And I'll share it with you in a minute!

As many of you know, I love southern gospel music. Well, a couple of years ago, the trio called the Booth Brothers released a song called "Still Feelin' Fine." It is written by Mosie Lister, to follow up his classic song, "Feelin' Fine'', a standard in SG. The song is very catchy, and got a lot of airplay at the time it was released.

Well, doing a search on southern gospel things, and Booth Brothers in general, I came across a file that really threw me off! A DJ who calls herself "Dj Lass" took the song and gave it a rap feel with a strong beat. The first part of the song is nothing expected if you're wanting to hear the song itself, and it makes you wonder.. "what in the world???".

This is definitely not my "cup o' tea". But like I said, this is a weird internet find! I don't know anyone that this might appeal to…. I wouldn't even want to add this to any of my playlists!

If you're interested in listening, I've posted it here:

1 comment:

BlessedAngelTerri said...

I could care less for the first part, but I kind of like I'm a little weird though.