Monday, June 1, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend – Part 1 (Saturday, May 23, 2009)

Like usual, there wasn't any sleeping in. When you have kids, sleeping in is when they are staying with someone else! But we did have a lazy morning. We let them watch cartoons on tv while we did other things around the house.

Like I've mentioned before, Mysia gets glued to the tv…. Malachi, on the other hand, does not. He has to be right in the middle of what you are doing. That can be a hindrance or a help, depending on the situation.

They ate lunch and then they went down for a nap. –A short nap!  It wasn't what I had anticipated! So, when they woke up, I put Disney's Dumbo in. I had borrowed it from the library. It was pretty neat watching it again; it's been years since I've seen it!

Dumbo had one of the scariest scenes in it that I remembered. The Pink Elephant's on Parade. Perhaps because when I was little, I didn't understand that Dumbo was drunk, or that the parade of mean, multi-colored elephants was a bit disturbing! Whatever the case, I still don't care for that part of the movie!

We tried to feed the kids supper a little early but they weren't hungry. We dropped the kids off at Lydia's parent's house, and  Lydia and I headed off to our Sunday school class activity. It was held at our teacher's house. They had ribs and brisket! It was soooo good! We ate and fellowshipped until about 8:30. When we finally got home, the kids were so tired that they went straight to bed. So did we!

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