Thursday, June 18, 2009

LOL @ the News: PETA mad at Obama! He killed a fly!

I about laughed my head off this morning when I read an article on Fox News! It told a story of how PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is mad at President Obama for killing a fly during an interview with CNBC at the white house. They're so upset about it, that they're sending him a special bug catcher that will allow him to release those pesky insects outside!

It makes me wonder if PETA members avoid restaurants that use pest control. I mean, come on people…!

Are they against soap? Do they go to hospitals? If a fly is an animal… what about germs? If a PETA member is about to go under surgery, do they request that they tools not be sanitized?

Are they also against people using mosquito repellant? It derives mosquitoes from getting their source of food, and kills them if they get in contact of the spray! Oh the inhumanity!

These questions (and more) make me wonder how people can take things to the extreme, and live with themselves! I'm compassionate to animals in a way, but I like my meat to eat as well! And if I run over an animal, it's not my fault it decided to run in front of my tire! I'm not going to cause an accident and risk my life just to avoid an animal that runs in front of moving vehicles!

Oh, if there is an insect in my house, I'm going to kill it! And then I'm going to wash my hands!

Hey PETA… are you guys against diseases as well? Swine Flu, West Nile….?


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