Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father’s Day Weekend

Wow! What a weekend! Let's see if I can do a quick rundown on what we all did over the past few days!

I worked a little overtime, but not too much! Lydia had done grocery shopping in the morning, and was able to take a two hour nap the same time as the kids later in the afternoon. When I got home we watched some AFV and ate salad for supper. Lydia got to spend an hour on the phone with our sis-in-law Ana. Our aim was to try and get to bed early... we got the kids in bed, but Lydia had some homework to do, and I watched another episode of AFV. (yep, I'm addicted to it!)

I woke up early… thanks again to our kids, who for some reason think that 6am is a good time to get up on the only day we could sleep in! Reluctantly, we got up and got the kids going. However, Lydia was still tired. I ended up putting "Homeward Bound" in, and we took an hours nap! The interesting part… I still had time to set up for quartet practice!

Around 9:30-10, the guys showed up for practice. Noah recorded two demo songs. And we went through 24 songs. At least 19 of them are ones we can pull of. 15 don't need extra work. So that made our day! We had little time to work on our a cappella arrangements for the patriotic songs we're wanting to include in our next concert. So we'll see how that goes!

For the afternoon, we were invited to our associate pastor's house for a church activity they were holding for their Sunday school class. It was fun. We spent 5 hours eating and visiting! When I got home, Sam picked me up and we went to Bass Pro to pick him up some clothes with my discount. Abigail tagged along as well.

Although it was Father's Day, the day ran like usual, and I ran one of the vans for church. All of us father's were recognized during the morning service, and Pastor brought a wonderful message that was directed more toward us. Then for the afternoon, we stayed at the church and rested.

Our church's junior camp had been during the week, so the evening service was the presentation on all that happened with the kids. After services, we had VBS meeting and then I took a few of the van kids home. We went to my parent's house that evening to celebrate Father's Day. Ice cream was the food of choice! Yum!


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