Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fish Fry! (Saturday, 05/13/2009)

I woke up around 5am hearing talking outside of my tent. Some were already up! So I got up, visited the porta-potty, returned to my tent, and went back to sleep! I ignored all the sounds.

Around 7:30, I heard Pastor's voice calling the men and boys together for morning prayer before breakfast. I shot up, quickly got dressed, and joined the circle of men as he started to pray. I was a bit disoriented, as those around me pointed out as we moved to get us some breakfast. Hey, I was enjoying my sleep.

After breakfast, most of the men headed toward the lake to do some fishing before lunch. I stayed behind. I hadn't purchased a fishing license this year, since I didn't catch anything last year. I figured that I'd just take it easy. So I say down and visited with my dad and a few other men. I was sitting on the porch swing, and soon I was sound asleep! I must have slept there for two or three hours! I didn't mind… it was great to relax!

I woke up, and visited some more. Sam and some of the teens arrived back at camp, and told me they had gone hiking instead of fishing. We noticed that it was still going to be a while before lunch, so I headed off with them in Sam's truck. They wanted to check out another trail they had found… it wasn't much, but it got me some exercise!

Lunch was great! Fresh fish… fried! Yum! Plus seasoned fries, hush puppies, coleslaw, noodles, and the list goes on! After we ate, Tim Banks (assoc. pastor) brought the devotion. Then we hung around for a bit and then packed our stuff and headed back to Springfield. Sam dropped me off at the church so that I could pick up the van for Sunday.

Like usual, the whole campout/fish fry was a blast! I look forward to it every year! And now I'm already looking forward to next year!


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