Friday, June 19, 2009

It made it here!

I'm sooooo happy! Yesterday, Lydia called me when she got home from school… a package had been left on our doorstep! It was my power adapter for my laptop!

It's been a rough week. Sharing a power cord between laptops wasn't much fun, but it worked temporarily. But know I can leave my laptop up and running without worrying about it dying. See, I don't just sit at my laptop hours at a time… the kids are constantly demanding attention, and there are so many other things going on or things that has to be done.

There is one rant I have though! When Lydia got home, the package was left on our doorstep, and a note on the door saying they left a package. What are they thinking? If someone is going to grab the package, don't you think they'll be smart enough to grab the sticky note on the door? Boy…….


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It irritates me when people leave packages at the door. Someone could take off with them so easily!