Monday, June 1, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend – Part 2 (Sunday, May 24, 2009)

As usual, I got up and headed off to church early since I drive one of the church vans to pick p some of the adults =, teens, and kids. Lydia had the task of bathing both kids before church, because they were too tired the night before. Nothing was too different in services to make note of here, always a blessing, and always enjoyable!

After services though, Lydia headed off to the cemetery to meet up with all her relatives at her grandpa's grave. I got there a little late, due to the fact I had to drop off the my van people! It was a nice day, and by the time I got there, our kids were about to drive Lydia crazy. She also found out that high heels aren't something you want to wear to a cemetery… or on soft ground for that matter! Malachi kept wanting to climb on the tombstones, and Mysia kept running around.

For lunch we went to Hong Kong Inn and ate cashew chicken! Okay... let me correct that, Malachi ate cashew chicken; Lydia and Mysia ate sweet & sour chicken. It was good. And we all had a good appetite. I guess we got our kids hooked on one of our favorite dishes! Yum!

When we got home, we crashed and took naps! It was nice. Since we didn't have choir practice, due to the holiday, we took advantage of not having to be at church until 6! It was great getting that rest!

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